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Monday, 29 February 2016

Live Chat Room @DrLibSc

Live Chat Room @DrLibSc

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Assistant Librarian in Dr. B R Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Assistant Librarian in Dr. B R Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Name of the Post- Assistant Librarian (Post Code- 108) No of Vacancies- 01 (UR) Employer- Dr. B R Ambedkar University of Social Sciences
Location- Indore, Madhya Pradesh Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay 6000/- Qualification- As per UGC Latest regulation

More Details on https://brauss.in/vacancies.html 
See Notification Click Here
or visit: https://brauss.in/vacancy/Advt.%20No.%202-2016%20Educational%20Qualifications%20&%20Post%20Code%20Asst.%20Professor%20&%20Asst.%20Librarian.pdf

Junior Library Assistant required in Presidency University, Kolkata

Junior Library Assistant required in Presidency University, Kolkata

Name of the Post- Library Assistant

No of Vacancies- 01
Qualification- BLIS
Pay Scale- 9000-28300+ GP- 4400/-
Age- 18-40
Last Date- 21/03/2016

Online Apply- Starts from 29/02/2016 through university website

Notice-  Click Here
or visit: http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/jobsaddrecr10.php
Online Apply- Click Here
or visit: http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/universitystaff/login.php#

Deputy Librarian in the Asiatic Society of Mumbai

Deputy Librarian in the Asiatic Society of Mumbai
Name of the Post- Deputy Librarian
No of vacancies- 01 
Employer-The Asiatic Society of Mumbai 
Location- Mumbai, Maharashtra
Qualification : A degree in Arts, Science, Commerce or Low, of any Statutory university with 2nd class and M. Lib. and I. Sc. with consistently good academic record and superior knowledge of computerized library service. Ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English is essential.
Experience : At least 5 Years in a large library. Retired persons who fulfil these qualification may also apply.
Requirements : Deputy Librarian will have to supervise following main activites and ensure optimum performance from the library staff :
- Ordering, classification, cataloguing of Books and Journals.
- Entering bibliographical details of Books and Journals in LibSys.
- Arranging and shelving of Books and journals.
- Circulation and reference services, including research on the internet and various databases.
- Maintenance of the Library's collection of books, serial publications, documentation and audio-visual and other meterial.
- Furnishing information on library's activities, facilities, rules and services.
- Processing and maintaining magizine and newspaper collection
- Annual stock-taking of the entire collection.
- Computerization of the entire collection from time to time
- Periodic updation of the Society's website
Salary : The appointment will be on contract basis. For the first 6 months a fixed salary of Rs. 40,000/- per month will be paid. If the performance during the first 6 months is satisfactory the contract will be extended for a year during which period a fixed salary of Rs. 45,000/- will be paid.

Interested candidates may send their CV with name and address of two referees, along with copies of testimonials, certificates, etc. within 3 weeks from the date of this advertisement to :

Hon. Secretary, The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, town Hall, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai - 40001.
Eligible candidates will be called for interview as pe recommendations of the Screening Committee. Fulfilment of minimum qualification is not a claim for interview call. The Society reserves the right to reject any /all applications without assigning any reason. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
Contact Information
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai
Town Hall, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road,
Fort, Mumbai - 400 023.
Tel.: 9122-2660956 Fax.: 2665139
email: info@asiaticsociety.org.in
Website : http://asiaticsociety.org.in
Ref.: http://www.asiaticsociety.org.in/index.php/update-notice/290-advert...

Scientific Assistant-Library (Contractual) in the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre

Scientific Assistant-Library (Contractual) in the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre

Name of the Post- Scientific Assistant-Library
No of Vacancies-
Employer- Indian Statistical Institute
Location- New Delhi
Type of Job- Contractual
Pay per month- Rs. 26,000/- to 29,000/- Per month
Age-  Below 40 years as on 1st January, 2016
Qualification- A mater’s degree(10+2+3+2) in Library & Information Science or Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3) in Library & Information Science with 2 yrs experience. Knowledge of computer operation and application software(Library and information science) is essential.

Job Details-
Job Responsibilities- Please visit our website www.isid.ac.in and click on Administrative Announcements &
Age-  Below 40 years as on 1st January, 2016 in respect of all the categories stated above. Relaxation: Educational qualifications may be relaxed for people having at least 3 yrs experience in Government/Autonomous/Public Sector Undertaking or Educational Institute. The age relaxation may be given to outstanding candidates. Tenure: Tenure of appointment will be for a period of one year only. Tenure may be extended (upto a maximum of 2 more years) depending upon the need of the Institute and performance of the candidate.

Number of positions to be filled will depend upon the need of the Institute. Interested candidates may send their filled in application form in the prescribed format available in our website www.isid.ac.in under Administrative Announcements & Tenders along with attested copies of all documents/ testimonials along with their mobile number super scribing the name of the post on the top of the envelope to The Officer on Special Duty (OSD), Delhi Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, 7, S.J.S. Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi – 110 016. The last date for receipt of applications is 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement. Preference will be given to candidates who can join immediately. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill the posts advertised. If any candidate intends to apply for more than one post, separate applications should be sent for each post.

English Ads: Click Here
or visit:  http://www.isid.ac.in/~compcentre/advt29.02.16.pdf

Hindi Ads:Click Here
 or visit: http://www.isid.ac.in/~compcentre/advthindi29.02.16.pdf

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Library Clerk in Central Institute of Hindi, Agra

Library Clerk in Central Institute of Hindi, Agra

Name of the post- Library Cleark
Number of Post- 01
Pay Scale-  Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs. 1900

i) Intermediate or equivalent from a recognised institution.
ii) Certificate in Library Science from a recognised institution
Desirable: Adequate experience of Hindi/English Typing.

More details

Download Application  Click here
or visit http://khsindia.org/images/Application_Form_for_Admin_Posts_-2016.pdf

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Library Trainee at Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Ganeshkhind, Pune

Library Trainee at Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Ganeshkhind, Pune

Number of Vacancies- Library Trainee
Number of posts- 01 (One) 
Tanning period - One year           
Stipend-  Rs. 15,000/- p.m.

Qualification- Graduate in any discipline and Masters Degree in Library and Information Science (M.Lib. & I.Sc.) from a recognized university with first class.  (Preference will be given to Science Graduate) 
Experience- At least two years working experience. Knowledge of computers is essential.
Age limit -28 years (relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC)
Last date - March 02, 2016

Nature of Work: The nature of work will include handling various library housekeeping processes, both, traditional and automated using SLIM21 library software,  work processes at the library counter, IUCAA Institutional  Repository using DSpace, Network Assisted Server - CD Mirroring Server etc. 

The selected candidate will be required to join in the first week of April 2016. They will be required to work in shifts (noon to late evening) on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays as per library requirement.

Candidates meeting the above requirements can apply online on the url mentioned above.  

For any problems in filling up the online application form, please send an email to Mr. Rajesh Pardeshi at pardeshi followed by @iucaa.in  

[Click here to apply]
or visit : http://www.iucaa.in/Opportunities.html

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Library Technician and Library Multitasking Staff in National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand

Library Technician and Library Multitasking Staff in National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand

Name of the Post- Library Technician
Number of Vacancies- 6+5*
Pay Scale- Rs.5,200-20,200 with Grade pay 2,000/-

Name of the Post- Library Multitasking Staff
Number of Vacancies- 07
Pay Scale- Rs.5,200-20,200 with Grade pay 1,800/-

Employer- NIT Uttarakhand, Govt. of India
Location-NIT Uttarakhand Temporary Campus , Govt. ITI, Srinagar (Garhwal)
Last Date- 16th March, 2016.

More Detail Click Here
 or Visit- http://www.nituk.ac.in/jobs/Advt.%20No.7%20%20Advertisemnet%20for%20Non-Teaching%20Posts%20-%202016.pdf

Library Trainee in IIT Guwahati

Library Trainee in IIT Guwahati

Name of Vacancies-  Library Trainees
Number of Vacancies- 06
Training period- One Year 
Stipend- Rs. 12,000/- per month. 
Age- below 26 years 
Qualification- Bachelor’s in Library & Information Science from UGC recognized Indian universities
Last date- 03/03/2016

How to Apply- 
Application to be submitted online  at: https://auto.iitg.ernet.in/librecruit  Click Here for Online Application
Interested candidates only who meet the above mentioned requirements with respect to qualification and age may submit their application online at https://auto.iitg.ernet.in/librecruit by 4.30PM of 3rd March , 2016 . No hard copy application will be accepted

For details Click Here
or visit the link http://www.iitg.ernet.in/lib/lbclt.pdf

Professional Trainees (Library) in IIT Kharagpur Central Library

Professional Trainees (Library) in  IIT Kharagpur Central Library

Name of Vacancies- Professional Trainees (Library)
Number of Vacancies- 10
Training period- One Year 
Stipend- Rs. 12,000/- per month.  
Age- below 30 years 
Qualification- Postgraduates  in Library Science (First Class in both B.Lib. & ISc. and M.Lib. & ISc.)
Last date- 21/03/2016

How to Apply-
Application on plain paper to the Librarian, Central Library, IIT Kharagpur–721302 by enclosing CV along with attested copies of certificates on or before 21/03/2016. Candidates with relevant computer knowledge will be preferred. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PH etc. will be made as per Govt. of India rules.

more Detail Click Here
or Visit http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/cl_2016_trinee.pdf

University Librarian in Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi

University Librarian in Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
Name of the Post-University Librarian
Pay Scale- Rs. 37400-67000 AGP 10000
Employer-  Jamia Millia Islamia University
Location- New Delhi

 Job Details:
Applications on the prescribed forms are invited for various Faculty posts following Faculty posts :
  • Director/Professor : 02 post,  Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000
  • Professor : 17 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000
  • Associate Professor : 19 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000
  • Assistant Professor  : 09 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000
  • Tutor : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000
  • Craft Teacher : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP 4200
  • University Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP 10000 
  • Development Officer (equivalent to Dy. Registrar) : 01 post, Pay Scale :Rs.15600-39100 GP 7600
  • Internal Audit Officer (on Deputation) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 GP 7600
  • Instructor (Electrical) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP 4600
  • Office Assistant : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP 4200 
  • Store Keeper : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 2800
  • Assistant Conservationist : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 2800 
  • UDCs : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP 2400 
  • Technician : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900 
  • Technician Grade-B : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900 
  • LDCs : 10 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900  
  • Drivers : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900
  • Dresser : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1800
  • Pump Operator : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900
  • Chair Side Attendants : 05 poss, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1800 
Application Fee : Demand Draft / IPO of Rs. 500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PWD candidates) in favour of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 110025

How to Apply :   Application in the prescribed format should be send so as to reach the Assistant Registrar (Recruitment & Promotion Section), Registrar’s Office, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi - 110025, latest by 10/03/2016.  
for details and application format  Click Here

Monday, 22 February 2016

Assistant Librarian in Tangla College, Tangla, Assam, India

Assistant Librarian in Tangla College, Tangla, Assam, India
Name of the Post- Librarian
No of vacancies- 1 (one) reserved for ST
(preference shall be given to a candidate having knowledge in digitalized operations in library).

Job Details:
Applications are invited with full Bio-data and supporting documents from HSLC onwards from the eligible candidates having latest UGC norms with NET/SELT/ SET (as mandatory requirements)/ Ph.D (in compliance with new UGC regulation, 2009)/ M.Phil degree obtained on or before 10th July, 2009 (candidates having M. Phil degree obtained from off-campus centre are not eligible) for the following permanent sanctioned posts in the UGC revised Scale of Pay Rs. 15600 - 39,100 + GP Rs. 6000 pm with other allowances as per rule as admissible time to time.:
1. Banking/Finance - 1 (one) post Unreserved ;
2. History 1 (one) post (Modern Group) Reserved for ST (P) ;
3. Management - 1 (one) Post reserved for SC ;
4. Economics (Econometrics & Mathematical Economics) 1 (one)
post reserved for ST ;
5. English (Linguistics as special paper) - 1 (one) post reserved for OBC ;
6. Librarian - 1 (one) post reserved for ST (preference shall be given to a candidate having knowledge in digitalized operations in library).
The age of the candidate should not exceed 38 years as on 01.01.2016, relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates. As per condition (b) of the advertisement order, Preference shall be given to the candidates belonging to BTAD. Apply within 10 days from the date of publication of this advertisement along with a bank draft of Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) only drown in favour of Principal, Tangla College payable at SBI, Tangla Branch.

Sd/- (Dr. Prasen Daimari) Principal & Secretary, Tangla College, P.O.- Chamuapara Dist. Udalguri (BTAD), ASSAM, PIN-784521.

Librarian in Army Public School (APS), Jalpaiguri, West Bengal

Librarian in Army Public School (APS), Jalpaiguri, West Bengal

Name of the Post- Librarian
No of Vacancies- 01
Location- Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
Qualifications-  B Sc (Lib)/Graduate with Diploma in Library Sci.
Candidates must send (Post /E Mail) filled-up Application Form available in the School Website by 24 Feb 2016. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview which will be held as under- 26 Feb 2016. Candidates must be FLUENT IN ENGLISH Computer Literate and have minimum 50% marks in aggregate. Candidates must come with a copy of Application Form submitted to this office alongwith attested copies of all testimonials and originals for proper verification.

Note : ONLY CSB QUALIFIED PRT candidates will submit their application form alongwith a DD for Rs. 100/- (in favour of Army Public School Binnaguri, payable at SBI Binnaguri Cantt).

For Contact- Army Public School Binnaguri, P.O. Binnaguri Cantt
                       Dist Jalpaiguri, 03563-259446 /9609812324
                       apsbinnaguri1@gmail.com, www.apsbinnaguri.org

Application Form- Download Here

Library Assistant in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Library Assistant in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Name of the Post- Library AssistantNumber of Post-  01
Contractual& Consolidated salary- (Rupees Per month):  Rs18,000/-
Qualification- B.Lib./XIIth with 45% marks plus two years of experience of working in library related work.
Job Type- Contractual & Consolidated

For more details


Assistant Librarian Grade-II in the University of Burdwan

Assistant Librarian Grade-II  in the University of Burdwan

Name of the Post- Assistant Librarian Grade-II
Pay Band – Rs. 9,000 - 28,300/- with GP – Rs. 4400/-
No of the Vacancies-[08 Posts – (SC-01, *SC-01, UR-03, *UR-01, ST-01, OBC(A)-01)]
Qualification- Graduate in any stream with degree in Library Science
Age :- Not above 40 years as on 09/02/2016, relaxation of age for reserved categories will be
applicable as per Government of West Bengal rules.
Type of Job- temporary basis
Last Date-  29/02/2016

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for filling up the following post on temporary basis in prescribed form to be downloaded from the university website www.buruniv.ac.in from 11/02/2016 to 29/02/2016. Completed application in prescribed form along with photo-copies of all credentials has to be submitted in the office of the Registrar from 11/02/2016 to 29/02/2016 (up to 4 p.m.) [through proper channel in case of already employed candidates].

No TA/DA is admissible for attending tests/examinations and interview, if called for. It should be noted that possession of minimum eligibility shall not confer any right to be called for tests/examinations and interview. The posts will be filled up by observing the reservation of quota as per rules. Incomplete applications are likely to be rejected.

Downloaded form shall accompany a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, the University of Burdwan of requisite price as mentioned below:
General category .. Rs. 250/-
OBC category .. Rs. 150/-
SC, ST category .. Rs. 100/-

N.B. – (1) Must submit a self-addressed envelope (9” x 4”) along with the application form.
(2) * Includes exempted category
More Information: View Advertisement

Result of DSSSB Librarian Requitments (Post Code 69/10)

Result of DSSSB Librarian Requitments (Post Code 69/10)

Result of DSSSB (Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board) for the post of librarian (Post Code-69/10) has been published. Result Notice and Rejection list on its wesite

Visit The list by click on the following links : Result Notice       Rejection Notice

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Assistant Librarian in Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya

Assistant Librarian in Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya

Name of the post- Assistant Librarian
No. of Post : 01
Qualification : 1. Master's degree of Library Science/ Information Science/Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade with good academic record from a recognized University/Institute. 2. Net is compulsory along with one publication in NAAS rated referred journal in the disciplines/subject where NET is conducted. Essentiality of NET can be waved off for the candidates holding Ph.D. degree provided it has been done with course work as prescribed by the UGC Regulations, 2009 and the candidate has at least two full-length research papers in journals having a NAAS ratings not less than 4, on the last date of submission of application. Those candidates with Ph.D. degree without course work will not qualify for NET exemption.

Experience in Library/Documentation work. 2. Evidence of contribution to Library/Documentation work as supported by published work innovations

Application Fee : A fee of Rs. 500/- for Unreserved and OBC categories and Rs. 250/- for ST & SC categories (subject to production of attested copy of the ST/SC Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority of the State of Chhattisgarh) in shape of Bank Draft of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of "Registrar, Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya, Camp Office- Raipur (C.G.)" payable atRaipur

How to apply

Interested applicants may download the application forms and submit along with a fee. The advertisement No., name of the post, subject and its serial number should be clearly mentioned on the envelope of filled application form. Applicants applying for more than one post must submit separate application for each post. Application on prescribed form, completed in all respects together with all testimonials, should reach to the Registrar, Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya, Camp Office: College of Dairy Science and Food Technology, Raipur (C.G.) Pin 492006 on or before 14.03.2016 by post. Applications received after due date shall not be considered

Thursday, 18 February 2016

AMU Library Vacancies-Deputy Librarian, Curator, Assistant Librarian and Library Attendant, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

AMU Library Vacancies-Deputy Librarian, Curator, Assistant Librarian and Library Attendant, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Name of the Posts- Deputy Librarian, Curator, Assistant Librarian and Library Attendant
No of Posts-  i).Deputy Librarian (03),
                      ii).Curator (01),
                      iii).Assistant Librarian (10)
                      iv).Library Attendant (02)
Employer- Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Location-  Aligarh  

Last Date- 07.03.2016

Job Details:

Deputy Librarian, Maulana Azad Library (03)
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 GP Rs. 8,000 plus allowances
Educational Qualifications: (i) Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Documentation with at least 55% of the marks of its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale and good Academic record. (ii) Five years’ experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian. (iii) Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work and professional commitment, computerization of library. Desirable: M.Phil./Ph.D. degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation/Archives and Manuscript – Keeping/computerization of Library.

Curator, Maulana Azad Library (01)
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 GP Rs. 7,600 plus allowances
Educational Qualifications: (i) Master’s degree in Library Science or in Documentation. (ii) One year’s specialization in Archives and MSS keeping. (iii) 8 years’ experience as Assistant Librarian in a University/College or College Library/ Institution of National Importance or equivalent level.
OR (i) B.Lib. Science. (ii) M.A. in Arabic/Persian/Islamic Studies/Medieval History (iii) One year specialization in Archives and MSS keeping or equivalent. (iv) 8 Years’ experience as Assistant Librarian of a University Page 7 of 12 (v) Library/College Library/Libraries of national importance 4 years of which should be in the MSS division.

Assistant Librarian, Maulana Azad Library (09) + 01 OH (Under special recruitment_notification attached)
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 GP Rs. 6,000 plus allowances
Educational Qualifications: (i) Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization library (ii) Qualifying in the national level test conducted for the purpose by the UGC or any other agency approved by the UGC. (iii) However, candidates, who are , or have been awarded Ph.D., degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (minimum standards and Procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree), Regulations 2009, shall be exempted from the recruitment of the minimum eligibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of University Assistant Librarian/College Librarian.

Library Attendant, Principal’s Office, JNMC (01 HH)
Library Attendant Department of Commerce (01 OH)
Scale of Pay: Rs. 5,200-20,200 GP 1,800 plus allowances
Educational Qualifications: High School

Note: Complete application form procured in the above manner may either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter of Administrative Block or sent by post, superscribing on the top at the left side of the cover, the post applied for, advertisement number and date, to the Deputy Registrar (Selection Committee), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, so as to reach him by 07.03.2016.

For more details visit the notification:

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Reference Librarian (Outreach) in The American Library, Mumbai

Reference Librarian (Outreach)  in The American Library, Mumbai

The American Library, Mumbai is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Reference 
Librarian (Outreach).
Vacancy announcement and application form attached.

The major work profile will be:
Proactive Reference Service
Organize programs to reach out to a wide variety of audiences to promote and enhance the use of library resources;
Actively provide readers advisory services including assisting patrons in accessing library databases; 
Develop new contacts and Suggest current titles on topics important to the American Library.

WORK HOURS: Full-time, 40 hours/week; SALARY: Ordinarily Resident (OR): FSN-08
(₹ 778,270 p.a. – starting salary for FSN-08 step 1)
EDUCATION: Completion of University degree 
EXPERIENCE: Minimum four years’ experience in reference /outreach /public relations / events planning / academia is required.

The complete position description listing all of the duties and responsibilities may be obtained on
website at
and/or by contacting the Human Resources Office at (022) 2672-4354/4471/4797/4098).
Please note that this vacancy announcement closes on February 19,2016.

Librarian at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi

Librarian at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
Name of the Post - Librarian
No. of Vacancy: 01
Scale of pay: 37400-67000/- + Rs.10000/- AGP
Age: Preferably below 57 years
Employer-  Central University of Jharkhand
Location- Ranchi, Jharkhand

Essential Qualification: 
 i. A Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Sciences/Documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record.
 ii. At least 13 years as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or Eighteen Years’ experience as a college Librarian. 
iii. Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work. 
iv. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out in UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff and measures for the maintenance of standards in higher education, 2010.

Desirable Qualification: A M.Phil/Ph.D Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/Documentation /Achieves and manuscript-keeping.

For Detail Visit-  www.cuj.ac.in

Monday, 15 February 2016

Graduate Apprentices (Library Science) in National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad

Graduate Apprentices (Library Science) in National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad
Name of the Post- Graduate Apprentice (Library Science)
No. of Post -02
Stipend : Rs.5000/- per month
Post Code. : GA06
Employer/Organisation-National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
Location- Hyderabad. 
Essential Qualification : Bachelor's Degree + First Class Degree in Library Science / Library and Information Science.

More Details-  https://www.jobsresult.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/NRSC-Graduate-Technician-Apprentices-Posts-Advertisement.pdf

Visit- wwww.nrsc.gov.in

Assistant Librarian in Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore

Assistant Librarian in Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore

Name of the Post  the post- Assistant Librarian
Number of Post:   01(UR)
Age: 30 years 
Employer-Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)
Location-  Bangalore
Pay Band: –Rs.5,200-20,200/, with GP Rs.2400/-
Qualification: A University degree with Diploma in Library Science

For more details
Views: 9

MH-SET- 2016 (Maharashtra State Eligibility Test) for Assistant Professor

MH-SET- 2016 (Maharashtra State Eligibility Test) for Assistant Professor

Notification has been published of Maharashtra State Eligibility Test-2016 for Assistant Professor


Sr.No. Name Date
1 Commencement of Online Form Submission 15 Feb 2016
2 Last date for Applying Online & generation of filled Bank Challan for Fee 11 Mar 2016
3 Last date for submission of Fee through online generated Bank Challan, at any branch of HDFC Bank or Bank of Maharashtra or by Debit/Credit Card. 15 Mar 2016
4 Date of Examination 29 May 2016

* The print of Application Form should neither be sent to any Co-ordinating Center nor to SET Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

visit to: http://setexam.unipune.ac.in/Index.aspx

Friday, 12 February 2016

Librarian/Lecturer Library Science in Punjab Public Service Commission

Librarian/Lecturer Library Science in Punjab Public Service Commission

 No. of Post : 06
 Pay Scale : Rs.10300-34800+5000 Grade Pay

 Lecturer Library Science
 No. of Post : 02
 Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + 5400 Grade Pay
Last Date to apply: 02 Mar 2016
Visit- www.ppsc.gov.in

Project Assistant (Library) at NISCAIR, New Delhi

Project Assistant (Library) at NISCAIR, New Delhi

Name of the post- Project Assistant
No. of Post - 01
Stipend - Rs.16,000/- per month
Age Limit - 28 years
Eligibility - MSc(Library and Information Science)+ UGC NET
Desirable - B.Sc. first division
Name of the employer - NISCAIR
Locations - Delhi
Mode of Selection : Written Test / Interview
Last Date - 23 Feb 2016
Hiring Process - Walk - In

 How to apply-

 Walk-in-interview will be held on 23rd February, 2016 at National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012 (Near Rajendra Place Metro Station). Eligible candidates may appear together with duly filled in downloaded Application Form on the date specified above between 9.00 AM to 10.00 AM at NISCAIR, Pusa Campus along with latest passport size photograph, original and one set of self attested copies of all certificates / testimonials. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH should bring copies of certificates for claiming age relaxation.

Visit-  www.niscair.res.in.

Short -term training programme on "Design and Development of Digital Libraries using Dspace - Advance" organizing by CSIR - NISCAIR, New Delhi

Short-Term training programme on "Design and Development of Digital Libraries using Dspace - Advance" organizing by CSIR - NISCAIR, New Delhi

Event type- Training program
Duration -1week course
Date- 29 February 2016 - 04 March  2016.
Organiser - CSIR - NISCAIR
Location-  NISCAIR, 14 Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 067.
Course fee: Rs. 4800/- (without accommodation) and Rs. 6900/- (with accommodation).
DSpace is an Open Source Digital Repository creation Software.
 It has all the features/ facilities required for creating Institutional Repository / Digital Library.
 The training programme is a practical oriented training programme.
 It covers installation of Linux and manual installation of Dspace latest version on linux followed by Hands-on
 DSpace Administration, Customization, Advance features, Migration of data from older Dspace version to latest Dspace version etc.
The course fee without accommodation include Course kit, boarding lunch, two times tea.
 The course fee with accommodation include Course kit, boarding lunch, two times tea and transport facility from guest house to training venue and back.
 The seats are available on first-cum-first-serve basis. The details about the programme and application form are available on NISCAIR website www.niscair.res.in.
Those interested may please contact Head, Education and Training Division
 Phone: 011-26863617/26567818 / Email: training@niscair.res.in
Visit  www.niscair.res.in.

History of Library and Information Science

History of Library and Information Science

Library science (often termed library studies or library and information science) is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries; the collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information resources; and the political economy of information. Martin Schrettinger, a Bavarian librarian, coined the discipline within his 1808 work, Versuch eines vollständigen Lehrbuchs der Bibliothek-Wissenschaft oder Anleitung zur vollkommenen Geschäftsführung eines Bibliothekars in wissenschaftlicher Form abgefasst. Rather than classifying information based on nature-oriented elements, as was previously done in his Bavarian library, Schrettinger organized books in alphabetical order. The first American school for library science was founded by Melvil Dewey at Columbia University in 1887. It is an aspect of the broader field of librarianship.
Historically, library science has also included archival science. This includes how information resources are organized to serve the needs of select user group, how people interact with classification systems and technology, how information is acquired, evaluated and applied by people in and outside of libraries as well as cross-culturally, how people are trained and educated for careers in libraries, the ethics that guide library service and organization, the legal status of libraries and information resources, and the applied science of computer technology used in documentation and records management.
There is no generally agreed-upon distinction between the terms library science, librarianship, and library and information science, and to a certain extent they are interchangeable, perhaps differing most significantly in connotation. The term library and information science (LIS) is most often used; most librarians consider it as only a terminological variation, intended to emphasize the scientific and technical foundations of the subject and its relationship with information science. LIS should not be confused with information theory, the mathematical study of the concept of information. Library and information science can also be seen as an integration of the two fields library science and information science, which were separate at one point. Library philosophy has been contrasted with library science as the study of the aims and justifications of librarianship as opposed to the development and refinement of techniques.

Description: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Gabriel_Naude.jpg/220px-Gabriel_Naude.jpgHistory

17th century

(Portrait of Gabriel Naudé, author of Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque (1627), later translated into English in 1661.)
The earliest text on library operations, Advice on Establishing a Library was published in 1627 by French librarian and scholar Gabriel Naudé. Naudé wrote prolifically, producing works on many subjects including politics, religion, history, and the supernatural. He put into practice all the ideas put forth in Advice when given the opportunity to build and maintain the library of Cardinal Jules Mazarin.

19th century

Martin Schrettinger wrote the second textbook (the first in Germany) on the subject from 1808 to 1829.
Thomas Jefferson, whose library at Monticello consisted of thousands of books, devised a classification system inspired by the Baconian method, which grouped books more or less by subject rather than alphabetically, as it was previously done.
The Jefferson collection provided the start of what became the Library of Congress.
The first American school of librarianship opened at Columbia University under the leadership of Melvil Dewey, noted for his 1876 decimal classification, on 5 January 1887 as the School of Library Economy. The term library economy was common in USA until 1942, with the library science predominant through much of the 20th century.

20th century

Later, the term was used in the title of S. R. Ranganathan's The Five Laws of Library Science, published in 1931, and in the title of Lee Pierce Butler's 1933 book, An introduction to library science (University of Chicago Press).
Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan conceived five laws of library science and the development of the first major analytico-synthetic classification system, the colon classification. In India, he is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field.
In the United States, Lee Pierce Butler's new approach advocated research using quantitative methods and ideas in the social sciences with the aim of using librarianship to address society's information needs. He was one of the first faculty at the University of Chicago Graduate Library School, which changed the structure and focus of education for librarianship in the twentieth century. This research agenda went against the more procedure-based approach of "library economy," which was mostly confined to practical problems in the administration of libraries.
William Stetson Merrill's A Code for Classifiers, released in several editions from 1914 to 1939, is an example of a more pragmatic approach, where arguments stemming from in-depth knowledge about each field of study are employed to recommend a system of classification. While Ranganathan's approach was philosophical it was also tied more to the day-to-day business of running a library. A reworking of Ranganathan's laws was published in 1995 which removes the constant references to books. Michael Gorman's Our Enduring Values: Librarianship in the 21st Century, features his 8 principles necessary by library professionals and incorporate knowledge and information in all their forms, allowing for digital information to be considered.
In more recent years, with the growth of digital technology, the field has been greatly influenced by information science concepts. In the English speaking world the term "library science" seems to have been used for the first time in India in a book in 1916 in the Punjab Library Primer written by Asa Don Dickinson and published by the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. This university was the first in Asia to begin teaching 'library science'. The Punjab Library Primer was the first textbook on library science published in English anywhere in the world. The first textbook in the United States was the Manual of Library Economy which was published in 1929. In 1923, C. C. Williamson, who was appointed by the Carnegie Corporation, published an assessment of library science education entitled, "The Williamson Report," which designated that universities should provide library science training. This report had a significant impact on Library Science training and education. Library research and practical work, the area of information science has remained largely distinct both in training and in research interests.

21st century

The digital age has transformed how information is accessed and retrieved. "The library is now a part of a complex and dynamic educational, recreational, and informational infrastructure." Mobile devices and applications with wireless networking, high-speed computers and networks, and the computing cloud have deeply impacted and developed information science and information services. The evolution of the library sciences maintains its mission of access equity and community space, as well as, the new means for information retrieval called Information Literacy Skills. All catalogues, databases, and a growing number of books are all available on the Internet. Information literacy is the ability to "determine the extent of information needed, access the needed information effectively and efficiently, evaluate information and its sources critically, incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base, use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose, and understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally."

Education and training

Main article: Education for librarianship
Academic courses in library science include collection management, information systems and technology, research methods, information literacy, cataloging and classification, preservation, reference, statistics and management. Library science is constantly evolving, incorporating new topics like database management, information architecture and information management, among others.
Most schools only offer a master's degree in Library and Information Science or an MLIS and do not offer an undergraduate degree in the subject. There are about fifty schools that have this graduate program and seven are still being ranked. Many have online programs which makes attending more convenient if the college is not in a student’s immediate vicinity. According to the US News’ online journal, University of Illinois is at the top of the list of best MLIS programs provided by Universities. Second is University of North Carolina and third is University of Washington. All the listings can be found at http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-library-information-science-programs/library-information-science-rankings
Most professional library jobs require a professional post-baccalaureate degree in library science, or one of its equivalent terms, library and information science as a basic credential. In the United States and Canada the certification usually comes from a master's degree granted by an ALA-accredited institution, so even non-scholarly librarians have an originally academic background. In the United Kingdom, however, there have been moves to broaden the entry requirements to professional library posts, such that qualifications in, or experience of, a number of other disciplines have become more acceptable. In Australia, a number of institutions offer degrees accepted by the ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association).
In academic regalia in the United States, the color for library science is lemon.

Employment outlook and opportunities

According to 'U.S. News & World Report', library and information science ranked as one of the "Best Careers of 2008." The median annual salary for 2007 was reported as $51,400 USD in the United States,] with additional salary breakdowns available by metropolitan area, with San Francisco coming in the highest with an average salary of $64,400 and Portland, Oregon the lowest at $47,700.] This is up from the median salaries in 2006 as $49,060 reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The increase can basically be attributed to keeping pace with inflation. A $49,060 salary in 2006 was adjusted to $50,457.33, and while data is not yet posted for 2008, adding the same rate of inflationary increase for 2008 (1.028%) one could project an inflationary salary adjustment as $51,894.46 for the 2008 fiscal year., In December 2009, the BLS projected growth for the field at "8 percent between 2008 and 2018", which is "as fast as the average for all occupations". Furthermore, the BLS states, "Workers in this occupation tend to be older than workers in the rest of the economy. As a result, there may be more workers retiring from this occupation than other occupations. However, relatively large numbers of graduates from MLS programs may cause competition in some areas and for some jobs."

Gender and Library Science in the United States

Librarianship manifests a dual career structure for men and women in the United States. While the ratio of female to male librarians remains roughly 4:1,, top positions are more often held by men; for example, the position of Librarian of Congress has been held by men since the establishment of the Library of Congress. Women, however, have made continuous progress toward equality., Women have also been largely left out of standard histories of U.S. librarianship, but Suzanne Hildenbrand's scholarly assessment of the work done by women has expanded the historical record., See also The Role of women in librarianship, 1876–1976: the entry, advancement, and struggle for equalization in one profession, by Kathleen Weibel, Kathleen de la Peña McCook, and Dianne J. Ellsworth (1979), Phoenix, Ariz: Oryx Press.

Gender and Library Leadership

In 1911 Theresa Elmendorf became the first woman elected president of the American Library Association (founded in 1876); she was also the first woman ever to be nominated for this position., She was ALA president from May 24, 1911, until July 2, 1912.,
The current ALA President (2014–2015) Courtney Young, is a woman, and women have held the ALA Presidency since 2009–2010. Despite this streak of female leadership, the first 35 years of the American Library Association Presidency positions were held by men.,
Leadership is seen as a gender issue within librarianship, as the profession is majority female, yet often leadership positions are held by men. For example, as of 2015 no woman has ever been appointed Librarian of Congress. In large academic libraries, there is less of a discrepancy; however, overall throughout the profession men tend to hold higher-up, or leadership positions.,

Professional Association Groups Dedicated to Librarianship and Gender

There are multiple groups within the American Library Association, dedicated to discussing, critiquing, and furthering gender-related and feminist issues within the profession.
The American Library Association's Social Responsibilities Round Table Feminist Task Force (FTF) was founded in 1970 by women who wished to address sexism in libraries and librarianship. FTF was the first ALA group to focus on women's issues. For the past three years, during Women’s History Month in March, the FTF has dedicated their efforts to expanding women’s library history online, using the website Women of Library History. The FTF also publishes the Amelia Bloomer Project list each year, which is a list of some of the best feminist young adult literature of that year.
The Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL) of the American Library Association, founded in 1976, represents the diversity of women's interest within ALA and ensures that the Association considers the rights of the majority (women) in the library field, and promotes and initiates the collection, analysis, dissemination, and coordination of information on the status of women in librarianship. The bibliographic history of women in U.S. librarianship and women librarians developing services for women has been well-documented in the series of publications initially issued by the Social Responsibilities Round Table Task Force on Women and later continued by COSWL.
The ALA also has the Women & Gender Studies Section (WGSS) of its Division "Association of College & Research Libraries"; this section was formed to discuss, promote, and support women's studies collections and services in academic and research libraries.
Finally, the ALA has the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Roundtable (GLBTRT). While the GLBTRT deals with sexuality, different than gender identity, much of the roundtable’s work is arguably feminist in nature, and concerned with issues of gender. The GLBTRT is committed to serving the information needs of the GLBT professional library community, and the GLBT information and access needs of individuals at large.

Library and Information Science Scholarship Relating to Issues of Gender

Many scholars within the profession have taken up gender and its relationship to the discipline of library and information science. Scholars like Hope A. Olson and Sanford Berman have directed efforts at the problematic nature of cataloging and classification standards and schemes that are obscuring or exclusionary to marginalized groups. Others have written about the implications of gendered stereotypes in librarianship, particularly as they relate to library instruction. Library instruction also intersects with feminist pedagogy, and scholars such as Maria Accardi have written about feminist pedagogical practices in libraries. Library scholars have also dealt with issues of gender and leadership, having equitable gender representation in library collection development, and issues of gender and young adult and children’s librarianship.

Library Policies Relating to Issues of Gender

The ALA Policy Manual states under B.2.1.15 Access to Library Resources and Services Regardless of Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, or Sexual Orientation (Old Number 53.1.15): "The American Library Association stringently and unequivocally maintains that libraries and librarians have an obligation to resist efforts that systematically exclude materials dealing with any subject matter, including sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. The Association also encourages librarians to proactively support the First Amendment rights of all library users, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Adopted 1993, amended 2000, 2004, 2008, 2010." It also states under B.2.12 Threats to Library Materials Related to Sex, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation (Old Number 53.12), "The American Library Association supports the inclusion in library collections of materials that reflect the diversity of our society, including those related to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. ALA encourages all American Library Association chapters to take active stands against all legislative or other government attempts to proscribe materials related to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression; and encourages all libraries to acquire and make available materials representative of all the people in our society. Adopted 2005, Amended 2009, 2010."

Diversity In Librarianship

The field of Library and Information Science seeks to provide a diverse working environment in libraries across the United States of America. The ways in which to change the status quo includes diversifying the job field with regards to age, class, disabilities, ethnicity, gender identity, race, sex, and sexual orientation. The demographics of America is changing; those that were once minorities will become the majority. Libraries facilities want to successfully represent the community in which they now serve by hiring a diverse staff. The American Library Association, as well as many libraries around the country, realize the issue with diversity in the workplace and are addressing this problem.


The majority of librarians working in the U.S. are female, between the ages of 55–64, and Caucasian.[  A 2014 study by the American Library Association of research done 2009 to 2010 shows that 98,273 of credentialed librarians were female while 20,393 were male. 15,335 of the total 111,666 were 35 and younger and only 6,222 were 65 or older. 104,393 were white; 6,160 African American, 3,260 American Pacific Islander; 185 Native American including Alaskan; 1,008 of two or more races, and 3,661 Latino. (ALA).



To help change the lack of diversity in library jobs in the U.S., more scholarships and grants are emerging. Most Library and Information Science students do not belong to an underrepresented group and as a reaction to these research statistics, the field is creating ways to encourage more diversity in the classroom.
ALA Annual Research Diversity Grant Program
The ALA Annual Research Diversity Grant Program is a way to encourage innovation in scholars and professionals to provide insight into how to diversify the field. The ALA Grant is directed toward those who have valuable and original research ideas that can add to the knowledge of diversity in the field of Librarianship. The program awards up to three individuals once a year with a grant amounting to $2,500 each. The applicants have submission guidelines, are given a timeline, and are shown the evaluation process online at http://www.ala.org/advocacy/diversity/diversityresearchstatistics/diversityresearch.
Spectrum Scholarship Program
The Spectrum Scholarship Program was started in 1997 and still exists today. It is provided for a chosen applicant or nominee who is a member of an underrepresented group. The applications can be turned in from October to March 1 of each year.
Contact Information:
  • Phone: 1.800.545.2433
  • Facebook: Spectrum Scholarship Programs

Cultural Competencies

One way in which to nurture cultural diversity in the library field is with cultural competencies. Scholars recommend defining skills needed to serve and work with others who belong to different cultures. It is suggested that these definitions be posted in job listings and be refereed to when promoting and giving raises. Also, In Library and Information Science graduate programs, it is suggested by scholars that there is a lack of classes teaching students cultural competences. It is important for more classes to teach about diversity and measure the outcomes.


Another strategy is to create interest in the field of Library and Information Science from a small age. If minorities do not desire to become librarians, they will not seek to obtain an MLS or MLIS and therefore will not fill high job roles in libraries. A recommended solutions are to create a great experience for all racial groups early on in life. This may inspire more young children to become interested in the career field.


ALA Office for Diversity
The Office for Diversity is a sector of the American Library Association whose purpose is to aid libraries in providing a diverse workforce, gathering data, and teaching others about the issue of diversity related to the field of Library and Information Science.
American Indian Library Association
The American Indian Library Association (AILA)is an organization that was created in 1979. It publishes a newsletter twice a year and educates individuals and groups about Indian Culture.
Black Caucus of the American Library Association
BCALA promotes not only library services that can be enjoyed by the African American Community but also the emergence of African American librarians or library professionals. By joining the association patrons can have access to newsletters, the entirety of their website, and networking boards.
The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) began March 31, 1973. It was formally known as the Mid-West Chinese American Librarians Association. It has members not only in America but in China, Hong Kong, Canada, and more. The organization promotes the Chinese culture through the outlet of libraries and communicates with others in the profession of librarianship.
Reforma is The National Library Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latino and The Spanish Speaking created in 1971. The association has pushed for Spanish collections in libraries, gives out yearly scholarships, and sends out quarterly newsletters. One of Reforma’s main goals is to recruit Latinos into professional positions of the library.

The Deaf community and library science in the United States

Deaf people at the library have the same needs as every other person visiting the library and often have more difficulty accessing materials and services. Over the last few decades, libraries in the United States have begun to implement services and collections for Deaf patrons and are working harder every year to make more of their collections, services, their communities, and even the world more accessible to this group of underserved people.
The history of the role of libraries in the Deaf community in the United States is a sordid one at best. The American Library Association readily admits that disabled people belong to a minority that is often overlooked and underrepresented by people in the library, and the Deaf community belongs in this minority group. However, in the last few decades, libraries across the United States have made great strides in the mission of making libraries more accessible to disabilities in general and to the Deaf community specifically. The Library Bill of Rights preamble states that "all libraries are forums for information and ideas" and as such libraries need to remove the physical and technological barriers which in turn would allow persons with disabilities full access to the resources available. One of the first activists in the library community working toward accessibility for the Deaf was Alice Hagemeyer. When disabled communities began demanding equality in the 1970s, Hagemeyer decided to go back to school for her master's degree in library science. While she was studying there, she realized that there was not very much information about the Deaf community at her library or at the libraries of any of her classmates. She soon became an activist for Deaf awareness at her library, and she became the first "Librarian for the Deaf Community" from any public library in the nation. Hagemeyer also constructed a manual of resources for Deaf people and those associated with them called The Red Notebook, which is now online at the website of the Friends of Libraries for Deaf Action. Hagemeyer was one of the first library activists to make strides for the Deaf community.
Australian librarian Karen McQuigg states that "even ten years ago, when I was involved in a project looking at what public libraries could offer the deaf, it seemed as if the gap between the requirements of this group and what public libraries could offer was too great for public libraries to be able to serve them effectively." Clearly, not even so long ago, there was quite a dearth of information for or about the Deaf community available in libraries across the nation and around the globe.
New guidelines from library organizations such as International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the ALA were written in order to help libraries make their information more accessible to people with disabilities, and in some cases, specifically the Deaf community. IFLA’s Guidelines for Library Services to Deaf People is one such set of guidelines, and it was published to inform libraries of the services that should be provided for Deaf patrons. Most of the guidelines pertain to ensuring that Deaf patrons have equal access to all available library services. Other guidelines include training library staff to provide services for the Deaf community, availability of text telephones or TTYs not only to assist patrons with reference questions but also for making outside calls, using the most recent technology in order to communicate more effectively with Deaf patrons, including closed captioning services for any television services, and developing a collection that would interest the members of the Deaf community.
Over the years, library services have begun to evolve in order to accommodate the needs and desires of local Deaf communities. At the Queen Borough Public Library (QBPL) in New York, the staff implemented new and innovative ideas in order to involve the community and library staff with the Deaf people in their community. The QBPL hired a deaf librarian, Lori Stambler, to train the library staff about Deaf culture, to teach sign language classes for family members and people who are involved with deaf people, and to teach literacy classes for Deaf patrons. In working with the library, Stambler was able to help the community reach out to its deaf neighbors, and helped other deaf people become more active in their outside community.

Deaf libraries

The library at Gallaudet University, the only Deaf liberal arts university in the United States, was founded in 1876. The library’s collection has grown from a small number of reference books to the world’s largest collection of deaf-related materials with over 234,000 books and thousands of other materials in different formats. The collection is so large that the library had to create a hybrid classification system based on the Dewey Decimal Classification System in order to make cataloging and location within the library much easier for both library staff and users. The library also houses the university’s archives, which holds some of the oldest deaf-related books and documents in the world.
In Nashville, Tennessee, Sandy Cohen manages the Library Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (LSDHH). The program was created in 1979 in response to information accessibility issues for the Deaf in the Nashville area. Originally, the only service provided was the news via a teletypewriter or TTY, but today, the program has expanded to serving the entire state of Tennessee by providing all different types of information and material on deafness, Deaf culture, and information for family members of Deaf people, as well as a historical and reference collection.

Theory and practice of library science

Many practicing librarians do not contribute to LIS scholarship, but focus on daily operations within their own libraries or library systems. Other practicing librarians, particularly in academic libraries, do perform original scholarly LIS research and contribute to the academic end of the field.
On this basis, it has sometimes been proposed that LIS is distinct from librarianship, in a way analogous to the difference between medicine and doctoring. In this view, librarianship, the application of library science, would comprise the practical services rendered by librarians in their day-to-day attempts to meet the needs of library patrons.
Whether or not individual professional librarians contribute to scholarly research and publication, many are involved with and contribute to the advancement of the profession and of library science and information science through local, state, regional, national and international library or information organizations.
Other uses of these terms do not make the distinction and treat them as synonyms.
Powell's widely used introductory textbook does not make a formal distinction, but its bibliography uses the word librarianship as the heading for articles about the library profession.
Library science is very closely related to issues of knowledge organization; however, the latter is a broader term which covers how knowledge is represented and stored (computer science/linguistics), how it might be automatically processed (artificial intelligence), and how it is organized outside the library in global systems such as the internet. In addition, library science typically refers to a specific community engaged in managing holdings as they are found in university and government libraries, while knowledge organization in general refers to this and also to other communities (such as publishers) and other systems (such as the Internet). The Library system is thus one socio-technical structure for knowledge organization.
Information has been published which analyses the relations between philosophy of information (PI), library and information science (LIS), and social epistemology (SE).

Types of libraries

Public Library

The study of librarianship for public libraries covers issues such as cataloging; collection development for a diverse community; information literacy; readers' advisory; community standards; public services-focused librarianship; serving a diverse community of adults, children, and teens; intellectual freedom; censorship; and legal and budgeting issues. The public library as a commons or public sphere based on the work of Jürgen Habermas has become a central metaphor in the 21st century.
Most people are familiar with municipal public libraries, but there are many different types of public libraries that exist. There are four different types of public libraries: association libraries, municipal public libraries, school district libraries and special district public libraries. It is very important to be able to distinguish between the four. Each receives its funding through different sources. Each is established by a different set of voters. And, not all are subject to municipal civil service governance. Listed below is a chart from the New York State Library's library development website. This chart lists all of the information about the different public libraries.

School/Media Specialist

The study of school librarianship covers library services for children in schools through secondary school. In some regions, the local government may have stricter standards for the education and certification of school librarians (who are often considered a special case of teacher), than for other librarians, and the educational program will include those local criteria. School librarianship may also include issues of intellectual freedom, pedagogy, information literacy, and how to build a cooperative curriculum with the teaching staff.
The study of academic librarianship covers library services for colleges and universities. Issues of special importance to the field may include copyright; technology, digital libraries, and digital repositories; academic freedom; open access to scholarly works; as well as specialized knowledge of subject areas important to the institution and the relevant reference works. Librarians often divide focus individually as liaisons on particular schools within a college or university.
Some academic librarians are considered faculty, and hold similar academic ranks to those of professors, while others are not. In either case, the minimal qualification is a Master of Arts in Library Studies or Masters of Arts in Library and Information Science. Some academic libraries may only require a master's degree in a specific academic field or a related field, such as educational technology.


The study of archives includes the training of archivists, librarians specially trained to maintain and build archives of records intended for historical preservation. Special issues include physical preservation of materials and mass acidification; specialist catalogs; solo work; access; and appraisal. Many archivists are also trained historians specializing in the period covered by the archive.

Special Library

Special libraries and special librarians include almost any other form of librarianship, including those who serve in medical libraries (and hospitals or medical schools), corporations, news agencies, government organizations, or other special collections. The issues at these libraries will be specific to the industries they inhabit, but may include solo work; corporate financing; specialized collection development; and extensive self-promotion to potential patrons. Additionally, special librarians have their own professional organization known as the Special Library Association.
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is considered a special library. Its mission is to support, preserve, make accessible, and collaborate in the scholarly research and educational outreach activities of UCAR/NCAR. NCAR
Another is The Federal Bureau of Investigations Library. According to its website, "The FBI Library supports the FBI in its statutory mission to uphold the law through investigation of violations of federal criminal law; to protect the United States from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities; and to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to federal, state, local, and international agencies. The FBI Library


Main article: Preservation (library and archival science)
Preservation librarians most often work in academic libraries. Their focus is on the management of preservation activities that seek to maintain access to content within books, manuscripts, archival materials, and other library resources. Examples of activities managed by preservation librarians include binding, conservation, digital and analog reformatting, digital preservation, and environmental monitoring.

Reference: Wikipedia: The free Encyclopedia visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/